When we are in be fond of we often act like children, so what do you think of this pattern for a sportive DIY Valentine’s Day time allowance for him? Come or go after or behind the tutorial and learn how to enrich his socks with pile paint. A elementary, not burdensome to perform, that both kids and adults will regard with affection, but also really creative expertness exemplar Have you tried to beautify kids costume with edifice paint?

DIY Valentine’s Day gift for him

Needed materials:

Decorate-his-socks-for-Funny-DIY-Valentine’s-Day-needed-materials• Brush
• Heart template
• Cardboard
• A pair of plain socks to decorate
• Scissors
• Fabric paint
• Pencil


Take the thin cardboard and cut two equal strips of it. Decorate-his-socks-for-Funny-DIY-Valentine’s-Day-stripes-cardboard

Socks will stay not soft so that we can carry through our centre of circulation design In this way we will make sure that the represent does not move through. Place one strip of cardboard inside each of the socks you want to ornament. Painting will be also a allotment easier.

Decorate-his-socks-for-Funny-DIY-Valentine’s-Day-stripes-socks Decorate-his-socks-for-Funny-DIY-Valentine’s-Day-white-socks

Print this heart template and cut along the lines. Decorate-his-socks-for-Funny-DIY-Valentine’s-Day-template-download

DIY Valentine’s Day gift for him – Tutorial


Place the paper heart on both socks, aligning the middle axis of the heart with the middle of both socks.


Use the pencil to draw the outline of the heart over both socks.


Now, to decorate the socks with fabric paint, first dip the brush into the paint you have chosen.


With the brush go along the line you have drawn with the pencil.


Fill in the heart with paint.

Decorate-his-socks-for-Funny-DIY-Valentine’s-Day-green-heart-socksDo the same on the other sock. Wait for to dry and you have a pair of beautiful decorated socks!


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